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Poison Reverse: How Does It Prevent Routing Loops?

Poison Reverse: How Does It Prevent Routing Loops?

 By Charles Joseph | Cybersecurity Researcher
 Published on December 15th, 2023

Poison Reverse is a technique used in routing protocols that prevents data loops by informing all devices, except the data sender, that the path back to the sender is not available, or has an infinite metric. In simpler terms, it tells other network devices to not use that path to return data back to the sender, preventing traffic from getting stuck in a loop.

Poison Reverse Examples

1. Roundabout Traffic System

In a typical roundabout traffic system, vehicles enter from a certain exit and leave from another. Now, imagine such a roundabout with three exits named A, B, and C. When a vehicle, representing data, enters the roundabout from exit A, it can leave via exits B or C. However, the system prevents it from taking the same route back to A. It essentially means the route to the original point, or sender, is unavailable or, in network terms, has an infinite metric.

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By applying the same concept to network routing, Poison Reverse functions in a similar way. It ensures data, once passed along a particular path, cannot return to its sender via the same path. This keeps the network traffic flowing smoothly and avoids data loops, which could severely hamper network performance.

2. One-Way Street

Imagine a city’s road layout consisting of numerous one-way streets. These roads only allow traffic to flow in one direction. Taking this into consideration, if you drive from point A to point B on one of these streets, there’s no direct route to return back to point A from B via the same way. It’s a straight, clear path with traffic always moving forward.

The Poison Reverse technique works much like those one-way streets. In terms of routing, once data is sent along a certain path, it cannot directly return back to its original source by the same route. This ensures data won’t clog up or loop around a particular path and continually keeps the overall network traffic in steady motion.

3. Game of Hot Potato

Picture a group of kids playing a game of hot potato. The main rule is that the player who last passed the potato, representing the data, cannot be the next to receive it. In this scenario, the option to pass the potato immediately back to the previous sender is restricted, keeping the game moving and making it more interesting.

In a similar manner, the Poison Reverse technique restricts data from being immediately sent back to its origin over the same path in a network. This stipulation of not allowing data to be routed back to its sender helps to free up data paths, thus preventing network traffic from becoming stuck or forming loops, much like how the game of hot potato remains exciting and unpredictable with its rule.


In essence, Poison Reverse is a fundamental part of effective network management, ensuring the smooth flow of data by preventing backtracking over the same path. By viewing and understanding it in terms of relatable examples such as roundabout traffic systems, one-way streets, or even a game of hot potato, we can appreciate its importance in maintaining the steady and efficient operation of our network systems.

Key Takeaways

  • Poison Reverse is a routing technique that prevents data loops in a network.
  • It works by telling all devices the route back to the sender is not available or has infinite metric, essentially directing data traffic always forward.
  • Poison Reverse can be understood by analogies like a roundabout traffic system where a vehicle can’t return to its point of entry, one-way streets where traffic moves only in one direction, or a hot potato game where the potato cannot be passed back to the previous passer.

Related Questions

1. How does Poison Reverse improve network efficiency?

Poison Reverse improves network efficiency by preventing data loops. It allows network systems to function smoother as data is continuously being forwarded without the risk of getting stuck in a back-and-forth loop which could create network congestion.

2. Is Poison Reverse a standard feature in all routing protocols?

No, Poison Reverse is not a standard feature in all routing protocols. It’s specifically used in certain types of routing protocols like RIP (Routing Information Protocol) to avoid routing loops.

3. What type of networks use Poison Reverse?

Poison Reverse is commonly used in large-scale networks where there are many potential paths for data to travel. It’s helpful in these networks to prevent loops and maintain efficient data transmission.

4. What is the difference between Poison Reverse and Hold Down?

While both Poison Reverse and Hold Down are techniques used to prevent routing loops, they operate differently. Hold Down temporarily stops updates to a route if the metric for that route changes – basically, holding it down from being updated. On the other hand, Poison Reverse makes the route to the sender unavailable upon passing the data through.

5. Can Poison Reverse completely eliminate routing loops?

While Poison Reverse plays a crucial role in mitigating the likelihood of routing loops, it may not completely eliminate them, particularly in complex networks with numerous potential paths. However, when used in conjunction with other techniques like Split Horizon and Route Aggregation, the incidence of routing loops can be further minimized.

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